I don't know how I could continue to be surprised, but I quite often still am, with the miraculous results of Forgiveness Practice, both over time and instantly. For example, once I had an event set up at a particular venue and one of my team members was preparing to arrive and set up at the venue, but the venue manager disagreed with her on our arrangements. This was a significant incident, and the manager was quite clear that we wouldn't be doing our event as planned. Having heard this, I paused and did forgiveness practice with the manager and the venue, with all my heart. Soon my teammate called me and told me that the manager called to apologize, that she had it wrong.
End of Suffering
I can't count the number of times Forgiveness Practice saved me from suffering. When I am upset, if I choose to, I can alleviate a good percentage of, if not all of my discomfort, by practicing forgiveness. Whatever has happened to upset me, I turn it around. I apologize to all souls I've ever treated this way or caused this type of situation for and ask for forgiveness. Of course I also offer my forgiveness to all souls involved or who've ever been associated with this kind of incident with me in the past. It's rare that I don't get relief right away.
Often, however, the tricky part is to be willing to do it when we're upset. Sometimes it's hard to let go of how terrible we were treated, or how "wrong" it was, or even how unbelievable it was! In these moments we may have no intention of letting it go anytime soon, but this is the golden opportunity. Its right then, in that moment, that we could have our miracle if we practiced! We could heal a big blockage for ourselves. This is really the fruit of Forgiveness Practice!
Big Gifts
But no matter if the upset is big or little, it can lead to great outcomes. Often (when time permits) Forgiveness Practice for my little agitations with someone leads me down a path of self discovery that proves to be very valuable, clearing all kinds of significant spiritual, mental, emotional and physical blockages. Sometimes I end up with a "big score." In other words, as I go down the path of asking for forgiveness and tracking the inner terrain, I may notice a memory, or an area of negativity or blockages, I may get a message or see a past may lead me to something that is really holding me back and I am able to let it go now, in this practice. What a gift! This is the value of being willing to practice, and being willing to go where ever it takes us.
Really Hard Situations
Then there are the situations that are "really hard," such as big disharmony's with our spouses, our housemates, our co-workers, and such. These situations can be very challenging, even to the forgiveness practitioner! However, if we remain true to the cause, we will discover things about ourselves we don't know, things about the other that we don't know, and most of all, we can discover unconditional love and compassion, deeper levels of forgiveness, and our freedom.
I practice daily, usually many times a day. I cannot say I've mastered forgiveness, but I can say I am learning to master it! I can't say I never suffer, but I can say that I suffer less and less these days. I can't say I always respond lovingly or that I don't have any negative thoughts or attitudes about anyone, but I can say that I respond lovingly more often and have less problematic thoughts and attitudes. And most important, I am triggered less and less often, demonstrating the freedom that comes when we heal ourselves in this way.
The Calling
I invite you to do Forgiveness Practice and if you are doing it, I invite you to do it more often and more creatively. The other day I called a soul and practiced forgiveness for each of the Five Elements, healing whatever we had done to each other that affected each element and emotional blockages there. It was amazing!
Share Your Results
Master Sha says that "to share is to serve." I hope my sharing has served you well. Please feel free to share in the comments how Forgiveness Practice has changed your life, or any other comments you may have!
With great love and gratitude,
Marsha thank you very much for this clear presentation on the importance of forgiveness, for the beautiful personal example and the new idea: practicing forgiveness for each of the Five Elements, healing whatever was done to one another that affected each element and emotional blockages there. Divine flexibility! much love to you :)